Ecology is the new religion

Publié le par Lupatria

"I want you to panic"

You are being used and abused

Greta Thunberg is the last successful fad of diverse pro-degrowth activists and other ideologues convinced that the West is the cause of all evils, while being paradoxically centered around this particular geographical area. Change can only come from European countries: the other countries being too retarded to understand what Western intelligent pious people have understood better than them.
It is impossible that a 16-years-old who climbs to such a celebrity level can  do it alone. To reach that high, she has been coached by communication advisers, entrepreneurs, ideologues, businessmen. There are big financial interests behind it, more surely than philanthropic interests.

This should ring a bell in you, at least a little bit. But this is just the beginning.

Greta Thunberg's speech is absolutely true. There is a climate change emergency today.
However, panicking around this matter should be the least thing to do. Do you decide on your next vacation in full panic mode? Do you plan your family budget in panic mode? No? So why do it for a subject as hot and vital as the climate change?
Greta communicators rely on the scientific data of the IPCC to support their fear mongering business.  But outside the doomsday speeches, Greta does not  suggest any solutions. However solutions exist, nuclear, for example. But these are solutions impossible to defend for a girl coached by anti-nuclears like greenpeace.
Nevermind, the lobbies behind Greta have the solution for her: consume less, reproduce less, less nuclear, more prohibitions, more renewable energy and of course a lot of taxes. Greta’s communication advisers are not particularly brave or  open on the world. For them, there is only faulty Europe. India, China, the United States are too backwards to enter the equation of climate change. Too bad, they are the biggest polluters. But they are not in Europe so I guess we do not care.
If you are really interested in ecology you must know that renewable energies are very expensive and cause an increase in CO2. It is therefore the poor who will be the first victims. Because they will not have the money to heat themselves between the expensive energies prices and the different eco taxes they will find on each of their expenses. Then it is the middle classes who will be next by a combination of restrictions, prohibitions, quotas, public humiliation for not respecting Goddess Mother Nature (the plane, this devil craft).

I do not know about you but me, regime that 1 / impoverish me 2 / forbid me 3 / order me not to reproduce 4 / ration me 5 / moralize my private life in the name of an ideology... mmm, that does not motivate me very much, and I think the result would be rather final than humanistic.

The rich caught red-handed have found a solution: they give money to associations in order to be forgiven for their pollution sin.
In the Middle Ages also indulgences were paid to the church to save ones soul.
So, the church...

We are looking for modern prophets, a Joan of Arc who will save us from eternal damnation and respect Gaia the mother-goddess: we find ourselves new cults when the ancients are dying.

We have here a young woman who prophesies us Armageddon and people who follow her between fear and reverence.
Fear and worship the two teats of religion.

Let's look at reality as it is.
Greta is a 16-year-old girl who does not go to school. Her parents decided to take their child out of the school system to campaign instead of them. She can not even study what she is talking about! As if that was not enough this out-of-school girl is suffering from Asperger's disease. And she is offered to a starving  voyeur-like audience as a freak religious show.
If tomorrow I decide to take my kid out of school for ideological reasons I will have all the social services behind my ass, and for good reasons.
But a young asperger girl obviously used by adults and businessmen does not shock anyone. Would you offer this kind of life to your children? really??
I am told invariably that something must be done by all possible means. I understand the idea but the method and the results that would be obtained would be the opposite of what is hoped for, and in addition I think that India, China and the USA should be the first to join this case. (You know the countries Greta never accuses of anything while they largely contribute to pollution) Yes! I know that I will be told that India is polluting because of Europe exporting its production. So what? Should we wait without saying anything that the Divine Holly Illumination reach them without doing anything while solutions exist to produce more without much pollution?

We keep saying that the house is on fire.

I followed several fire extinction training during my life. In none of my trainings have I been told to panic. None. You know why ? Because if you panic the results would be dramatic.

Let that sink in.

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